Wednesday, October 17, 2012

NBW: The Walking Dead #103, Wonder Woman #13, Hawkeye #3

Mother nature and a freak power outage have tried to keep me from this week's post, but you should know nothing can stop New Book Wednesday. This week we take a look at everyone's favorite zombie apocalypse survivors, a bad-ass Amazon princess, & a book about an archer that maybe should have a different name.

First up The Walking Dead #103. Unless you've been living under a rock you know that The Walking Dead TV show premiered this past Sunday to big ratings and great acclaim but what a lot of people still don't know is that the show is based on a long running comic book. While the TV show is great the comic is different enough that you can actually have two distinct experiences if you read the books AND watch the show. So what happened this month in TWD #103. After the very shocking murder of Glen at the hands of the evil gang leader Negan the group is still in shock and they are even more in shock when Rick told them they were not going to be fighting back and actually giving in to Negan's demands. This book starts with Andrea packing her bags and getting ready to leave Rick. She cannot believe that Rick is just telling everyone to rollover and let Negan take half of their supplies. She is all set to leave until Rick reveals that he does have a plan but can't let the others find out because he needs Negan to believe they've given up. The rest of the book has Negan coming to the settlement and taking supplies while antagonizing all the survivors he comes across. The tension in this book is palpable and you wish you could reach through the panels and slap Negan around for yourself. I can't wait until we get to know what exactly Rick's plan is. Written by Robert Kirkman and drawn by Charlie Adlard.

Next up lets hop over to the world of DC Comics and the adventures of one Princess Diana in Wonder Woman #13. Now I have been telling everyone I know how much I love this new Wonder Woman run, the story is amazing, the art is fantastic, and the action is kick-ass. This month we find Diana and her group held up in a hotel. Now that Zeus is dead and Hera is turned mortal Apollo sits upon his throne in Olympus. He has called together all his brother and sister gods to discuss the new threat of Wonder Woman. Meanwhile back in the hotel Wonder Woman/Diana is trying to keep the peace now that Hera has entered the group and trying to figure out how to get back Zola's baby that was stolen by a traitorous Hermes (the baby was stolen because it was the last offspring of Zeus). Yes I know its all a little confusing but do yourself a favor and start reading this book, you won't be sorry. Maybe though, go back and pick up the first volume trade collection of this new Wonder Woman. Written by Brian Azzarello and drawn by Tony Akins.

Finally comes a comic that grows more and more on me each month that I read it, the latest installment for the bow wielding Avenger, Hawkeye #3. Now back at the top you might remember I said that this book should have another name. If you ask me this book could be called Clint Barton or just plain Clint. This book is about the world of Clint Barton/Hawkeye when he is not being an Avenger so that's why I say it should be titled differently but they can't do that because Hawkeye is the name everyone knows. This month we find our hero meeting a mysterious woman with a fast car. Hawkeye buys the car, sleeps with the woman, and then proceeds to help rescue her from a gang of Mini Cooper driving thugs, and all this starts because he needs some tape to label his bows. this is a fun story and the art has really started becoming a major attraction of the comic. Also the constant bickering and back-and-forth between him and his sidekick/temp Hawkeye Jessica is pretty funny. I highly suggest you jump oon this book while its still relatively new and easy to catch up on, you'll regret it if you don't. Written by Matt Fraction and drawn by David Aja.

Well there you have it, three books that you should definitely check out next time you're at your local comic shop. And let me know what you guys are reading by commenting below. As always please Like the official The Final Level page on Facebook, +1 us on Google+, and follow us at @TFLChicago on Twitter.

Keep on Reading.

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